![]() Yesterday afternoon I received an interesting tweet from @KimKardashian "EWW Im at lunch,the woman at the table next 2 me is breast feeding her baby w no coverup then puts baby on the table and changes her diaper" Apparently later she did a follow up tweet saying: "My sister breastfeeds! It's a natural beautiful thing, there's nothing wrong w it, but she covers herself, not w her boobs exposed." Thank you for the lesson in modesty, dear Kim. I will be sure to cover myself whenever nursing in public from now on. First of all the irony of the statement is obvious- she posed for Playboy! How could she be so prudish about a little bit of boob exposed in the act of nursing! It was funny. And also very very sad. I find it disturbing how vicious women can be to one another. When I had an article published in the Toronto Star on the subject of the censorship of my art from Facebook http://www.thestar.com/living/article/794323--are-these-obscene?bn=1 some of the nastiest attacks in the reader comments were from other women; the worst being the following statement: "As a mother of 2, trust me, others are not interested in seeing your bloated breasts from pregnancy. And another newsflash, they ain't gonna last!" It's unfortunate for Kim that she made a statement like she did, because she is the classic Glass House that shouldn't throw stones. It would be so easy to attack her, point out her hypocricy, insult her figure... that is partly why I feel sad about her comments. Let's instead take a step back and see her as a product of her society. This is precisely what is wrong with society's view of breasts today. Women are taught to see themselves as sexual objects first, with breastfeeding being a secondary function. There is a de-humanizing quality to this, as women are detached from their own biology, their relationships to others, their needs and desires, and put in a realm of pure asthetics. Women are not judged for the content of their character, but merely for the quality of their skin.
It's also unfortunate for the many many young women who follow her tweets. The breastfeeding statistics for young women are depressing already- something like 20% -30% of young women choose to breastfeed. Imagine how many more might be affected by this post: "EWWW! ...breastfeeding!" and choose not to give their babies the best start to life. The diservice this statement has made to the breastfeeding advocacy movement is staggering.
6/19/2010 10:20:47 am
it is a sad statement of our culture... I do think changing a diaper on the table may not have been a GREAT choice. But the idea that its ok to show breasts in smutty magazines or on the cover of nearly every woman's magazine at the checkout line at the grocery, but NOT ok to show in the natural setting of a mother feeding her child is truly disheartening...
6/19/2010 12:21:10 pm
I just blogged on this! It's so frustrating. http://feministfatale.com/2010/06/breastfeeding-nurturing-or-sexual/
Dis Gusted
6/19/2010 12:48:26 pm
This is awful and I agree 100% with the author of this blog....... I would have squirted Kim!
6/19/2010 01:03:45 pm
Well, I for one have no problem with breastfeeding, but wanted to point out that Kim probably wasn't dressed like she was in that photo to go out to eat in public. And, I would have to say eww also, if I was eating lunch with someone changing a dirty diaper on the table next to me. Dirty and unsanitary... Why couldn't anyone assume she was 'ewwing' about the diaper change, and just happened to mention someone was breastfeeding with no cover? Because... wait for it... 'we're all so eager to attack'...
Great post. Though I find it odd that you follow someone like Kim Kardashian on Twitter.
6/19/2010 02:46:14 pm
Thanks for all the responses! I agree with many of you that I too would have been grossed out by someone changing a diaper at the table. However she did take the time to specify that "eww... the woman next to me is breastfeeding her baby with no cover..." and went on to say that her sister breastfeeds "but she covers herself, not with her boobs exposed." So, it wasn't just the diaper that grossed me out.
6/19/2010 02:51:31 pm
@Keely- yes it is rather odd of me to be "following" Kim Kardashian, isnt' it? Lol! I should specify... I was alerted to her tweet by someone on facebook, and signed up to follow her in order to read it myself. I was also hearing a lot of nasty comments on facebook in response to this breastfeeding comment of hers- comments about the size of her butt, her breasts, whether they were real etc. and I just thought... wow. Let's get out of the trap of insulting eachother and degrading each other. It's not doing any of us any good. That's where my comment on women being vicious came from.
6/19/2010 04:19:37 pm
I am glad to stumble upon your blog... I recognize your work from another blog that talked about the images being banned on Facebook awhile back. Rad to actually see your work!
mother of two
6/20/2010 12:41:07 pm
I agree with the Author of this blog.Women have gotten to caddy and are ready to tear another woman to shreds to make themselves feel superior because they lack the self esteem to to build each other up rather than tear each other down and society and media have made it acceptable almost expected how sad is that.Almost like those stupid beer comercials that make all men look like idiots.
S. Lee
6/20/2010 01:18:43 pm
It's pretty funny that it is okay to throw aside your modesty when you are going to make money from it, but not when you are feeding your child. Ms. Kardashian has had her naked body exposed on the TV screen, through her sex tape and in Playboy and that is fine and dandy. However, a mother using her breasts for what they are intended for should be modest? You are not as progressive as you think Ms. Kardashian. You truly are a product of our society.
6/20/2010 02:17:47 pm
It makes me so sad to see how vicious women are towards each other, especially when it comes to something like nurturing children, that needs so much support. As women and mothers, why don't we support each other? Is it really the sexuality that makes women try and discourage other mothers so much?
6/21/2010 02:42:37 am
That is very unfortunate that she could say something so judgemental. Yes it's good that she followed up with the second comment about her sister, but so many would stop at the EWWW breastfeeding! and never bother to read anymore. I breastfed my son unti he was 3 yrs 81/2 months old (unti he wanted to stop) - but I knew the benefits of it, for many that don't know the benefits, this comment from her tweet, could be enough to sway the decision against breastfeeding. Sad.
6/21/2010 02:49:45 am
This coming from a woman with a sex tape. I mean come on. She just said it to get attention cause people could care less about her and they care more about Kourtney
6/21/2010 03:11:36 am
I honestly don't know whether to laugh or cry!!
6/21/2010 03:36:24 am
I find it almost comical all the horrible things being said BY WOMEN about Kim in these comments. Are you not talking about how horrible it is that women judge and tear each other apart in the same paragragh that you yourselves are judging and tearing apart Kim? Talk about glass houses...
I actually agree with Kim. If I was out to eat and someone started changing a dirty diaper AT THE TABLE I would complain. I can't imagine how grossed out I would be if I'm eating my side salad only to smell and then see someone changing a poopy diaper!
6/21/2010 04:15:58 am
Great response. I hope young women take Kim's "advice" with a grain of salt. I'm one of those young mothers (21 when I had my son) who did breastfeed and continue to nurse my 2 1/2 year old. I would love to see some celebrities shedding some positive light on breastfeeding, instead of making derisive comments about nursing mothers.
6/21/2010 04:19:08 am
Doesn't she endorse a line of diet pills? So she's invested in having women hate their bodies. Shame on her.
6/21/2010 04:26:26 am
I can see this both ways.
6/21/2010 04:30:49 am
I think that breast feeding is totally fine and normal and great but...modesty wouldn't hurt..and the diaper was too much. Playboy is purchased and only looked at if you wanted too. The lunch table next to you...is sometimes uncomfortable just because its like you wanna give them privacy...but then its out there for the world to see. I say go for a happy medium. Cover it up, and no diaper changes unless at a changing station.
Betty Toler
6/21/2010 04:56:53 am
I agree ONLY on the part that the diaper changing should not have happened ON the table! For crying out loud bring a blanket with you and use the floor as i did with mine in public OR better yet go to the bathroom as they now have changing tables. As far as the breastfeeding goes. if my child was hungry and I breastfed as so many others do, I WOULD feed that child right there in my seat! if you dont like it DONT LOOK! I did breast feed mine as long as I was medically able to. God made us with breasts for a reason. and it wasnt for sex!
6/21/2010 05:53:37 am
i may be the only male to comment here but i find the discussion intriguing.
6/21/2010 06:50:29 am
First I want to thank you "K" for having the guts to be the only male commentator, and a dissenting voice at that! :) I've heard this argument before, comparing sex to nursing, and it just doesn't fly with me. Breastfeeding and sex are two completely different acts, for completely different reasons and outcomes. The only comparison to a male masturbating is a female masturbating; breasts are not the same as sexual organs. The woman in this case was feeding her child, not having sex, not attempting to attract a sexual partner. People seem to be very confused about this distinction. Also the amount of skin a woman shows while breastfeeding is NOTHING compared to the amount of skin Kim herself shows in her day to day life, I mean when not posing for playboy of course.
This is like when that other vegetable on legs started having opinions about vaccinations (http://www.generationrescue.org/).
First, nice art. I look forward to seeing more of it.
6/21/2010 07:43:28 am
what a great response and beautiful artwork.
6/21/2010 07:57:04 am
I normally cover up when BFing in public, not for others but for myself. This kind of makes me want to make that daring leap into exposed boobies.
6/21/2010 08:39:04 am
Where as I fully support breastfeeding. Truth be told we aren't seeing what KK saw and automatically assume this women was using discretion because we would. This may not be the case at all. On top of it the places KK frequents probably contain people that dress like herself...right? I believe in modesty in public family settings and places where nudity violates codes...restuarants have a no shirt no shoes policy for a reason.
6/21/2010 08:43:57 am
Who cares what she thinks! I agree with the writer of this, but Kim is from the same liberal thinking tank, as most of you feminist who are standing up for breast feeding.
6/21/2010 08:52:25 am
Sorry for the confusion, what a coincidence it would be that someone else posted with the same initial.
6/21/2010 08:54:54 am
J, the women who think that the breast only serve one purpose, are the same women who couldn't get a man to look at them, even if they paid him. I just had to add that because you are right about that one statement.
6/21/2010 08:57:13 am
Breastfeeding babies is as natural an act as you can get. It is not sexual, and should not perceived as being sexual.
6/21/2010 10:42:43 am
The first J wrote: "Also I've read comments on here stating that there are no sexual purpose for breasts they are only for breastfeeding. Why is it then our nipples become erect when aroused?"
6/21/2010 10:47:51 am
@J- "the women who think that the breast only serve one purpose, are the same women who couldn't get a man to look at them, even if they paid him."
6/21/2010 11:22:03 am
I am a 28 yr old mom of a 5 month old and strictly breastfeed. My son has recently decided that he hates covers. I do what I can to cover myself, but at some point my flailing effort to conceal draws more attention than the act itself.
6/21/2010 12:13:49 pm
I'm sorry I'll admit I miss understood the way the comment was written. It came across as they serve one and only purpose. I agree during the act of BFing they do....if not something is wrong with you and you should seek help.I believe though because of the fact they are used for dual purposes and so few from our generation and the generation before were breastfed they have trouble mentally drawing that line of acceptable or sexual.
6/21/2010 01:35:03 pm
The only 'EWWW' I can say from the mother's actions is changing the baby's diaper on the table. That turns my stomach. Breastfeeding is beautiful!
6/21/2010 02:26:19 pm
Hazel Pharo Carlsen Artiste
6/21/2010 02:46:04 pm
Hazel Pharo Carlsen Artiste
6/21/2010 05:33:20 pm
It has all pretty much been said, but the tweet did not specify that it was a poopy diaper. It just said, "changes her diaper". I have a 4 month old son that I nurse EVERYWHERE! In restaurants, grocery stores, libraries, church! I just wear a tank top under my shirt, put him near my breast using his body to "provide cover", latch him on, and pull my top shirt down to meet up with his nose/mouth. You can't see anything, and it is incredibly discreet. @LadyJ, your baby is around the age that they decide they don't like the cover and start to bat at it and call way more attention to the act of nursing or pop off the breast because they are so distracted by it. I learned that with my first child.
6/21/2010 11:52:58 pm
let's mail kim kardashian our nursing covers!
6/22/2010 01:00:38 am
"We as a society need to get over our fears about seeing breasts doing what God designed them to do! It is bottle feeding that I am offended by! Make them feed their babies in special rooms, away from polite society, so they won't make little girl grow up to think that bottle feeding is normal or acceptable!"
6/22/2010 01:46:22 am
Whether you agree or disagree with Kim's statement, you have a choice to purchase the magazine or not. On news stands, the magazine is in a plastic cover that prevents exposure of the full Playboy cover. When you buy the magazine, you know exactly what you're going to get...How often to you go out for a meal and expect to see someone breastfeeding (w/o cover) and changing a diaper at the table? It personally wouldn't bother me to see a woman breastfeeding in public (might be a little awkward b/c I how do you not look!), but comparing Kim in Playboy with breastfeeding in public is like comparing apples and oranges.
Megan Henrich
6/22/2010 03:38:37 am
I am not defending the woman changing the diaper on the table, but a lot of you ladies are extremely mistaken in saying that restaurants have changing tables. Many of them do not, and even more do not have changing tables in the men's room. This is also something we should be fighting for, because it is not fair for moms to be stuck at home because there are not adequate facilities for their babies. I went into DAIRY QUEEN the other day (you would think it would be family friendly, wouldn't you?) and there was NO CHANGING TABLE. This happens all the time, we need to stop blinding ourselves to it.
6/24/2010 11:13:33 am
While it is gross and unsanitary to change a child's diaper at the table, just as anyone else sold not relieve themselves on the table, there is nothing wrong with this mother nursing her child at the table. The child is eating, just as every other person in the restaurant is doing. Kim Kardashian is a hypocrite and really has no room to talk seeing as she frequently bares her breast and it is not for anyone's nourishment might I add. Seriously this boob-baring bimbo just needs to shut the hell up.
6/24/2010 01:41:10 pm
Your art is beautiful!
6/25/2010 05:41:30 am
This is much more serious than just not wanting to see a boob at dinner. I must agree with Ms. Hansen in that, in today's society, breasts are sexual objects first and the natural way (and only way in most third world countries with unsanitary water and no formula)to nourish our children. I know now you'll say, well we are in America.
6/25/2010 08:55:12 am
I have to say that I believe this is about the baby's right to eat, first and foremost. How many people would choose to have a fussy, crying baby at the table next to them over one that is happily nursing? I know I wouldn't! And contrary to popular belief, expressing milk to feed in a bottle just isn't an option for many mamas, and as others have mentioned, neither is wearing a cover at all times - my son NEVER let me use a cover, so I learned to feed him discreetly without one.
7/5/2010 06:43:50 am
I recently was at Disneyland with my husband and 3 children and as I was sitting nursing my 3 month old with a cover up shawl, a man walked by, gestures at us and said, "that's disgusting!". Sigh. It's just ignorance and a double standard. Or mens jealousy that the breasts are used for someone else's needs? who knows, but so sad.
7/24/2010 06:53:12 am
First, I have to say I'm grateful for this posting. I'm a mother of two and proud to say I nursed both and am still nursing my 1 1/2 year old daughter. Nursing is NOT sexual, sensual sure, but sexual no. There is definitely a dual role for women to be sexual, but at the same time nurturing and loving mothers. (Which btw, you can be that whether you bottle feed or nurse). Some women cannot breast feed for medical reasons, but that does not make them less of a mother than you or me. It is absolutely silly to compare the breast to the penis, because they are two totally different body parts and their functions are too. We shouldn't be bashing anyone for their bodies, opinions and or choices, however, what KK had to say is just sad... First Breast feeding is natural and beautiful, and BTW LEGAL to do publicly.
12/21/2010 02:02:11 am
Don't you think you should give people a little more credit that that? If you're not going to breast feed based on a pseudo-celebritiy's view on it. Maybe there's bigger problems.
7/5/2011 03:52:15 am
I love your website and your paintings. I'm a abit shocked you have a link to Facebook's website and bother with it though - the most can use there, if anything, is a link here to this - your own website. Facebook isn't very art friendly, as I'm sure you know. They're pretty vicious with their website's editorial to the point where I wonder why any artist would bother to support and entertain them.
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A blog on art, roller derby and life.
Kate HansenI'm an artist and mother of two in Courtenay, BC. I've completed a project called the "Madonna and Child Project," and I'm now working on a series of roller derby inspired drawings. In my spare time I play roller derby with the Brick House Betties. Archives
November 2012